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From $0 to $107k in 6 Months With Only 1 Ad

how to scale your revenue with 1 ad
Just a few days ago, I made a post talking about how I don’t think that “content is everything” and that there are other traction channels that can be explored.
Some people strongly disagreed with me, most of them were content writers, saying it’s impossible to grow a brand nowadays without content.

Well.. it is not.

In fact, using ads, in my experience, is a lot less time consuming and can boost you a lot more.
You can either be at a state where you can safely afford investing in other traction channels, or just getting started and looking to accelerate your way to the top.

Either way, I’m here to show you some of the main takeaways on how to do a successful campaign.
Overview of the post:
 The Campaign Structure The Landing Page The Ad Copy Bonus: The Investment

By the way – We spent a total of $176 dollars in the first month of this campaign.

Let’s get to it. You can just skip to the part you’re interested the most in.


For you to get started with a successful campaign, you need to understand the concept of funnels.
Most people are not going to buy from you straight away from an ad.
They don’t even know you.
That’s like asking for someone to marry you on the first date.
Not going to happen.
Instead, you need to think of a FUNNEL.
First step is to attract your audience and awaken their interest towards your product.
Only then you can ask them to purchase something.
This can quickly be achieved through a simple TOF+MOF campaign.
One of them is supposed to bring awareness towards your product (Top Of Funnel).
The second is supposed to convert them (Middle Of Funnel).
You can have two different ads for that purpose, or use the same one but with different CTAs.
The first one will be cheaper, the second one will cost more but will convert.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> THE LANDING PAGE

This is definitely something you have to watch out for.
Understand that a plain institutional landing page is not enough to convert someone that knows NOTHING about you and your product.
It is necessary to give them more information.
Of course, the higher the price for your SaaS, the more details you need to add.
And the more ways you can present this information, the better: Text and/or Video.
The simplest framework to come up with a landing page that converts is PASTOR.
Problem, Agitation of Problem, Solution, Testimonial, Objections and Reaction.
Basically come up with one section for each letter of that PASTOR.
And in each section, you’re going to talk about one of these subjects.
Please note that I’m not asking you to talk about the various features your SaaS contains, since that’s not why they’re getting to your LP.
They’re there because they have a problem, and you have the solution.
Since this is a more complicated topic, I can make a new post to talk exclusively about LP copy.
But if you follow the well-known PASTOR framework, you can expect conversions.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> THE AD COPY

This one is also extremely important.
You need to understand, first of all: What is the stage your customer is in, and what persona are you approaching in your ad.
So for example, let’s say you have a tool that allows users to spend less time with a certain task, which consequently increases their productivity and revenue (this is just a simple example).
Then you have to pick which problem or problems are you going to approach in that ad.
Are you going to talk about the burden due to executing that specific task?Are you talking about the lack of productivity in their daily routines?Or are you talking about the fact their revenue could be higher if they dedicated more time to the right tasks?
This is a matter of testing the copy. Your conversion is going to rely almost entirely on how you position your product.
And talking about the right pain is KEY.
Also, what stage of awareness are they towards this problem?
Because this shifts your copy entirely.
Are they aware they have this specific problem?
Or they just know they have a pain, but they don’t know the cause?
Perhaps they already know they have this problem, and they know about all the products out there that can help them. They’re just looking for the right solution.


Many of you might be thinking right now that we spent thousands of dollars right upfront to make this work.
And I gotta say, NOT AT ALL.
We actually spent only $176 in the first month.
And from there, we started building the revenue at a 5.8x average ROAS.
Which means that for every dollar invested, we would get 5.8x in return.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money right upfront.
You just need to invest the necessary amount to get you started.
So you can do enough testing, finding the most profitable combination of ad + landing page + campaign, and then you start putting real money in it.
Or you can just reinvest the money that is coming out of it.


In conclusion, ads work.
It’s important to state that:

  • It doesn’t require a lot of money.
  • It’s not rocket science.
  • Test before you double down on it.
  • It’s not for all products – some perform better with ads.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.- Ely

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Picture of Jonathan Saeidian
Jonathan Saeidian
Chief Executive Officer at Brenton Way. We deliver growth exceptionally well from tailored outreach lead generation for B2B to PR campaign strategy for B2C.