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Running an In-Depth Marketing Audit for Your Company

Looking to run an in-depth marketing audit for your company?

Read on to get the step by step guide.

The first thing you do when you start a new role or campaign within a company?

It’s not running campaigns.

Because if you place the wrong coordinates in your GPS, you’ll never reach your destination.

The same goes for crafting your marketing strategy.

You can’t understand your direction, if you don’t know where your starting point is.

This is why crafting your marketing strategy doesn’t start with raising your budget or experimenting.

It starts with a growth marketing audit.

By understanding your current situation, you are able to craft thoughtful growth experiments based on data to craft your marketing strategies from scratch.

In this new guide you’ll learn one of the 5 parts on how to start a marketing audit from scratch.

Here is what you can expect:

– Before you run your growth marketing audit

– The Lost Northstar Phase

1. Messaging & Language

2. Target Audience

3. Product Innovation

– Mapping your Funnel & key events

Step 1: Map the funnel

Step 2: Map your key events.

Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral

– Analytics audit & tracking inspection

Checking your Google Analytics Pixel

Checking your Facebook Analytics Pixel

Checking your Google Analytics Events

Checking your LinkedIn Pixel.

Checking your CRM and/or Marketing Automation Pixel

– Website Performance Audit

Questions you should be asking.

Which country is my best traffic coming from?

What demographics of people are visiting my website?

What performance do I get from each device type?

What landing pages are converting key events on my website?

What blog pages are performing well?

What channels are working for my company?

Is my website fast enough to convert?

– UTM Tag Audit

– Growth Marketing Audit: Analytics Audit Checklist

Looking to run an in-depth growth marketing audit for your company.

Comment ‘Audit’ and say hi to me on Facebook to get the first part to run an audit on your own.

Facebook banned me from sending out a lot of messages 🙂

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Picture of Jonathan Saeidian
Jonathan Saeidian
Chief Executive Officer at Brenton Way. We deliver growth exceptionally well from tailored outreach lead generation for B2B to PR campaign strategy for B2C.