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Best B2B Inbound Marketing Strategies To Follow in 2024 [Complete Guide]

B2B inbound marketing

What if I told you that there’s a way to attract customers without interrupting or bombarding them? 

Imagine a method that not only generates higher ROI, but also fosters long-term relationships built on trust and value, making your customers feel secure and confident in your brand. 

Yes, B2B inbound marketing is one of the best ways to influence customers and bring in more high-quality marketing-qualified leads.

Over half of B2B marketers use content marketing to improve branding and acquire new buyers, and nearly half of people agree that inbound marketing delivers higher ROI, providing reassurance and optimism for your marketing efforts.

This ultimate guide to B2B inbound marketing will share the exact strategies to captivate your ideal buyers by offering them the right content at the right time.

What Are B2B Inbound Marketing Strategies?

B2B inbound marketing is a strategy to attract business clients by developing and sharing relevant content tailored to their needs and preferences. 

Some of the top elements of inbound lead generation include:

  • Content Creation
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Marketing Automation
  • SEO
  • Landing Pages
  • Marketing Analytics

Stages of the B2B Marketing Journey Map

A well-planned B2B inbound marketing plan should consist of the following stages:


  • Awareness: Segmenting your audience using carefully orchestrated steps to generate MQLs.  
  • Consideration: During the consideration stage, the key is personalizing your target audience’s digital content experience. This tailored B2B digital marketing approach is designed to pique their interest and encourage further research into your company’s products or services.
  • Purchase: Apply marketing automation to win more customers. To determine the number of wins (closed-won deals), opportunities, SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads), MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads), and campaign successes required, start by considering your sales team’s bookings revenue target (typically a quota). This approach allows you to work backward from the goal, aligning with your internal revenue funnel.


  • Retention: Ensure the customer does not leave to reduce churn rates and increase retention rates. 
  • Engagement: Create knowledge-base, use chatbots, and implement customer-service help desk for ongoing customer engagement. 

Inbound B2B Marketing Vs Outbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a consumer-driven pull B2B marketing strategy where people request more information themselves without cold calling, while outbound advertising is a push marketing tactic to bring in new leads without even knowing they are a qualified prospect. 

The biggest differences between B2B inbound and outbound marketing are: 

Inbound MarketingOutbound Marketing
Permission-based marketing strategyInterruption-based marketing tactic
There is no hard-sell involvedHard-sell involved
Uses SEO, content marketing, email promotion, thought leadership, and other tactics to bring in more customers organicallyUses TV, radio, outbound sales calls, banners, display ads, and others to attract consumers inorganically
Content is educational with sales as the secondary focusContent is purely promotional where selling is the main focus
Communication is two-wayCommunication is one-way


What are the Advantages of Effective Inbound Marketing Tactics? 

Growth-focused and well-planned inbound marketing strategies offer the following benefits: 

Builds Trust Without Shady Sales Tactics

70% of people opt to gain knowledge about a business through articles as opposed to advertisements. 

Inbound marketing uses value-driven content in place of high-pressure sales tactics to establish trust and credibility with the audience. 


Content assets like blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies based on search intent provide accurate solutions to the problems faced by B2B buyers.

Generates Higher Quality and Cost-Effective Leads

B2B inbound promotion relies on specific targeted strategies to draw high-quality leads who are truly interested in your products or services. 

Additionally, inbound leads are 61% cheaper than outbound leads. 

To get high-quality leads for your B2B business, create a comprehensive buyer persona so that you can tailor your content and campaigns according to your ideal business clients.

Both demand and lead generation are crucial in the B2B buying cycle to generate qualified sales leads. 

With inbound promotion, you leverage B2B inbound marketing tactics to build demand for your B2B product and services and also readily convert leads already in your sales pipeline. 


Engages Prospects When They are Receptive

Inbound lead generation involves interacting with potential customers when they conduct their own research, ensuring that your message reaches them at the right moment. 

Develop a schedule for sharing content such as articles, guides, and videos that match the stages of your potential customers’ research and buying process.

Offers Long-Term Compounding Returns

High-quality content that is shared online continues to draw in and interest potential customers for an extended period of time, offering continual benefits and establishing expertise gradually. 

Businesses that produce at least 16 blog posts each month receive nearly 3.5 times the amount of traffic compared to those that only publish 0-4 posts monthly. 

High-Growth B2B Inbound Marketing Strategies in 2024

Here are some tactics every B2B business needs for their inbound marketing: 

Understand the Elements of a Value Pyramid When Defining Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is a thorough depiction of your targeted B2B clientele. 

Gather information about your existing clientele via surveys, interviews, and analytics. Identify the trends in their demographics, actions, and choices.

Don’t forget the value pyramid when considering B2B buyer personas. You should consider the different fundamental elements in your products and ensure they take care of the four important elements of needs:

  • Functional
  • Emotional
  • Life Changing 
  • Social


Once you have identified the needs and mapped them with your product features, you should identify the goals, personality, frustrations, and motivations of your targeted B2B customers. 

Collect demographic details to have a better understanding of who your buyers are, like: 

  • Age Range
  • Gender
  • Education Level
  • Location

Examine how they make purchasing decisions and what factors influence them. Understand their personal values and what they appreciate in a business relationship.

You should also list the top inbound marketing channels your clients are found on to ensure maximum reach.

Combine all the collected information into a detailed B2B buyer persona profile.


Use examples and leverage storytelling to create an extremely detailed persona. Here is an excellent buyer persona template from SmartInsights. 


Optimize Your Website By Implementing Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Every website wants to make a killer first impression. Make sure it looks sharp on all devices, impressing visitors with its sleek, user-friendly design. 

But looks aren’t everything, you need some smart B2B SEO tactics to increase your organic growth. 

Keep in mind that B2B and B2C marketing journeys are different. B2B consumers need reviews and product demos at later stages of the B2B marketing funnel compared to B2C SEO. 


A custom-crafted SEO strategy for B2B customers should consider the entire consumer journey and research intent-specific keywords for each stage of the funnel. 

Your B2B SEO plan should be implemented keeping in mind of the following goals:

  • Search Rankings
  • Traffic Generation
  • Brand Awareness
  • Lead Conversions


The most important aspect of your search engine optimization plan is keyword research.

You should research the following keyword types:

  • Product-Based Keywords
  • Best/Top Superlative Keywords
  • Problem/Solution Focused Keywords
  • Cost/Pricing Based Keywords
  • Purchase/Buying Intent Keywords
  • Review-Based Keywords
  • Question-Based Keywords


Once you have listed all your keywords, prepare EEAT-friendly and people-first content. The team of Google has shared some guidelines used by their quality raters to review and rate quality websites for rankings. 

What EEAT evaluates is:

  • Identifies the first-hand experience and expertise of the author with respect to the page content.
  • Determines the site authority to determine if the site can be trusted.
  • Locates website quality signals like SSL certification and easy-to-locate contact information.


Hence, you should make sure your content is written by an author expert in your niche having first-hand experience in your products or services.

Avoid using AI for content creation and focus on creating well-written and helpful content which users would like to link back.

Also, you should ensure your website is fast, UX-friendly, has customer reviews, has exceptionally-powerful content, and compelling CTAs to generate leads and conversions. 


Create Content For Each B2B Buyer Journey Stage By Implementing People-First Content Marketing Strategy

B2B buyer journeys are long and complex. 

Gartner suggests that 75% of B2B buyers prefer a sales experience without a representative.

By applying the best practices to drive B2B sales and by reaching buyers at each stage of the journey, you can create intuitive digital experiences.

Some of the top B2B content assets to create are:

  • Whitepapers: In-depth reports on industry topics. 
  • Case Studies: Success stories demonstrating product impact. 
  • Ebooks: Comprehensive guides on relevant subjects. 
  • Webinars: Live or recorded sessions with expert insights. 
  • Infographics: Visual representations of data and processes. 
  • Blog Posts: Regular updates on industry trends and tips. 
  • Research Reports: Detailed analysis and findings on specific topics. 
  • Podcasts: Audio discussions on industry issues and trends. 
  • Videos: Engaging visual content for demonstrations and tutorials. 
  • Templates and Tools: Practical resources for immediate use.

Perform Email Marketing

41% of marketers admit that email is extremely effective for fostering leads and cultivating relationships with current clients. 

Creating a list of subscribers and organizing them according to their interests and behavior enables personalized communication. 

Here are the best practices for utilizing email marketing as an effective B2B inbound marketing strategy:

  • Divide your email lists according to buyer personas, industry, job roles, and the stage of the buyer’s journey leads are in.


  • Create emails that provide value to your audience by informing, educating, and entertaining them. Distribute valuable content like industry updates, success stories, research papers, and blog posts. Avoid anything excessively promotional, as it may cause subscribers to lose interest.


  • Establish automated email nurturing programs to guide leads through the various phases of the buyer’s journey. To encourage leads to make a purchase, present them with the appropriate offers at the appropriate moment. Employ marketing automation technologies to send out emails in response to interactions and lead behavior.
  • Make sure your emails are readable on a variety of platforms and responsive to mobile devices. For increased engagement, make use of responsive design and maintain simple, clear layouts.
  • Add the recipient’s name, their company’s data, or any other relevant information to make your emails more personal. For a more customized experience, divide up your lists into segments and customize the information according to subscriber’s interests or problems.


  • Include CTAs in your emails to direct recipients to your landing pages, website, and other online platforms. Promote future webinars, events, or other marketing strategies via email.
  • Conduct A/B testing using different kinds of email subject headings, content, calls to action, and scheduling for more CTRs and conversions.
  • Adhere to email marketing rules and regulations, such as getting permission and providing an easy way to unsubscribe. Observe the preferences of your subscribers and keep your email list clean and updated.

Use Social Media

84% of B2B marketers have a social media marketing strategy to distribute content or launch outreach campaigns. LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube are the top three channels for B2B audience reach and engagement.


Don’t just broadcast your content into the void, you’ve got to interact with your followers that are going to become your ideal customers in future. 

Ask questions, share insights, and crack a few jokes. Build real relationships with your followers, and they’ll be way more likely to let you into their circle of trust and brand awareness.

Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing harnesses the influence of individuals/celebrities who have gained the trust and respect of your target audience. 

Collaborate with reputable individuals in your field who have a dedicated audience. 

Business-to-business influencers have dedicated years to establishing their credibility and having an influence over their audience’s thoughts and actions. 

By working together with them, you can create content that is authentic and easy to connect with. 

This includes influencers who share their genuine experiences with your product, co-hosting webinars, or developing compelling social media content as a team. 


Encourage User-Generated Content

Encouraging customers and brand advocates to share authentic experiences, testimonials, or success stories is a valuable strategy known as User-Generated Content (UGC). 

Potential consumers are greatly impacted when actual people talk about the good impacts your product or service has had on their lives. 

For marketing, user-generated content strategy is more relatable and genuine because it comes from unbiased sources, which lends it a trustworthy aspect. 

To promote this kind of engagement, you can set up campaigns that ask users to post about their experiences on social media with a specific hashtag or to leave comments and suggestions on your website. 

You can also showcase this content in your marketing materials, like newsletters or promotional videos. 

By displaying real customer stories, you establish trust and credibility while also cultivating a group of devoted customers who feel appreciated and listened to. 

Use Automation and Integration

76% of B2B SaaS companies use automation for inbound marketing.

Utilizing marketing automation tools helps automate different processes, letting your team concentrate on more strategic tasks. 

Automation uses data to customize messages according to lead behaviors and preferences. 

As a result, it improves engagement and conversion rates by making communication more personalized. 

Automated email campaigns, for example, have the ability to send individualized follow-ups or suggestions for products by analyzing a lead’s previous interactions with your brand or browsing history. 

Additionally, merging your marketing instruments, such as email marketing tools, CRM software, and social media management platforms, guarantees a smooth transfer of information between various channels. 


This integration improves teamwork, offering a comprehensive perspective of every customer and guaranteeing uniform communication. 

It also allows you to monitor the complete customer experience, from initial contact to purchase, providing useful information about successful tactics and areas for improvement.

Measure and Adjust Your Inbound Marketing Campaign

Measuring and adjusting your inbound marketing techniques is crucial for continual improvement and staying competitive. 

Start by setting up key performance indicators that match your business goals, such as lead generation, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and return on investment. 

Regularly assess these important metrics to determine the effectiveness of your inbound marketing strategies. 

For example, if you notice a decline in email open rates, it may indicate that you need to reevaluate your subject lines or email content to better capture the attention of your B2B audience. 

Similarly, a lack of engagement on social media platforms could suggest a need for more relevant or captivating content tailored to your target buyers.

Constantly learn and adjust to changes in your industry, buyer behavior, and marketing strategies. 

Make sure to go to industry events, join online seminars, and stay updated on the newest marketing studies to remain informed. 

Common Challenges of B2B Inbound Marketing and How to Overcome Them

Here are some common problems faced by B2B companies when implementing B2B marketing in 2024 and how to fix them:

The Content Struggle 

We all know content is very important, but constantly producing fresh, high-quality content isn’t easy. 

The key is to not do it alone. Invest in a marketing team of writers, designers, and videographers to keep the content running. 

If you can’t afford a full-time team yet, there’s a vast realm of freelance creatives ready to lend their talents.

The SEO Shift

Just when you think you’ve mastered SEO, Google reshuffles the algorithms again. 

The recent being the March 2024 core and spam updates

Do not think of keyword stuffing changes, and embrace the shift! 

Have trustworthy industry resources and influencers who can keep you ahead of the curve. 

Plus, modern SEO is all about providing a seamless, value-packed user experience anyway, so you’re really just optimizing for your people.

The Technology Hurdle

With all the fancy tech platforms out there, it’s easy to feel like you are lacking it. Don’t try to grapple with all the B2B inbound marketing tools at once. 

Start with the essentials that solve your most pressing needs, master those, and then work your way up to broader automation awesomeness. 

Having a marketing tech member on your team to implement and integrate everything seamlessly is going to save you a lot of time and money.


You have finished reading the B2B inbound marketing guide, but there is still more to explore in your journey. 

It is now the moment to implement these top B2B inbound marketing strategies and witness an influx of interested leads who are ready to interact with your brand. 

Keep in mind that successful B2B SaaS inbound marketing is a continual process that needs regular adjustments and enhancements. 

Embrace trying new things, keep your curiosity alive, and always be open to learning. 

By having the correct mindset and dedicating yourself to delivering value, you will not only draw in your desired clients but also create a dedicated community that drives your company’s expansion in the long run. 

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