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The Playbook to Getting 1 Million Highly Targeted Leads From Twitter Without Paying a Cent.

Credits to Tomiwa Adey from 

The Playbook To getting 1 million highly targeted leads From Twitter Without Paying a Cent.

What to expect

1. By following the steps I laid out, you will be able to get millions of leads and connect with them at scale without paying a cent.

2. If you’re a consultant/freelancer, and you follow play 2 religiously, you’ll definitely make at least $1000 bucks next month – even if you have no experience..

3. If you’re in the content marketing/blogging space, from now on, you’ll be able to get thousands of targeted readers as soon as you publish an article.

4. And just by chance, you’ll grow your Twitter following. It’s not the goal, but it comes as a by-product 😉

5. A bonus 🙂

If this sounds good to you, let’s dive in straight away.

Table of content

  • Play 1. Get users who are potentially interested in your content/product by reaching out to Twitter users who have shared articles on the same topic.
  • Play 2. Using the crystal ball formula to get new clients as a  freelancer/consultant and make $1000 in the next month – even if you have no experience, no portfolio, and no website.
  • Play 3. Steal your competitor’s users on Twitter (poaching at scale)

Note: To get the most out of this playbook, you need the Gdoc outlines. Go to View/Tools > Show document outline to turn it on.

Tools/Scripts Used

  1. Topik – simply to get the details of everyone that shared an article on Twitter. (Buzzsumo is too expensive)
  2. Scrape Similar chrome extension.
  3. The Ultimate Twitter script – Get all Twitter followers, mass follow/unfollow, get twitter sharers, get more details from Twitter url, and so on.
  4. Nimrod Hunter – finding more than 300 emails per month? Why pay when Nimrod returns 3x more emails than competitors, and you can find unlimited emails for free.
  5. Yet Another Mail Merge – to send personalised emails at scale.
  6. FullContact – to match Twitter handles to LinkedIn profiles.
  7. Dux-Soup – to get emails.
  8. – to get the details of everyone that upvotes a product on ProductHunt.


Twitter is fundamentally an interest-based platform. Users follow who they’re interested in, they talk about what they truly care about, and they also share what makes them look good.

Basically, a gold mine that’s still full of gold.

You just need to know how to mine.

But Twitter has one big flaw! A flaw so big that turns most people away from it.

It is noisy as hell! And because of that it generally has a low conversion rate.

You might ask, how do you make sense of the noise to find:

  • People with problems I have a solution to?
  • People willing to pay for my product or service?
  • People that will get me the biggest candy for us entrepreneurs – sales!
  • In short, highly qualified leads

What if I told you there are proven methods you could follow to get the answers to your questions about using Twitter?

Methods that have been proven by Elon Musk, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, Patrick Collison of, every successful agency, consultant, or blogger you know.

1,000,000 highly qualified leads: No problem!

$10,000 product launches: Yup!

100,000 visitors to your website: Absolutely!

$1,000/month as a new consultant without an idea: Definitely!

Contrary to what you might think there are plug-and-play methods for reaching these goals using Twitter.

Simple, repeatable, and scalable methods. They aren’t complicated but are dressed in overalls and looks like an unimaginable amount of work.


Brace yourself. I’ll show you how.

Let’s start with 3 different personas with three different goals.

Persona 1: Entrepreneur Sally.

Sally was frustrated with how difficult it is for online entrepreneurs to collect payment on the web. As an entrepreneur at heart, she built a solution – a simple to use payment software anyone can install on their site in less than 5 mins. She wants more people to use her software, and she is confident it’ll reduce the hassle for online entrepreneurs to collect payments on the web.

Persona 2: Travel Blogger John.

John is one of those digital nomads. He works remotely and lives the location independent lifestyle. He wants to get more people to visit his content, convert by taking his free email course on ‘the first steps you need to take to become a digital nomad’, and ultimately buy his full e-course where he goes in depth on becoming a digital nomad.

Persona 3: New Consultant Larry.

Larry is a Jack of all trades. He has no idea which of his many skills he can offer as a consultant. He is resourceful, he learns fast, and good at implementing ideas, but he has no website, no business card, and no money.

Play 1: Get users who are potentially interested in your content/product by reaching out to Twitter users who have shared articles on the same topic.

Contrary to what you may think, people want to know more about:

  • what they’re interested in
  • genuine solutions to problems they’re facing

The main difference between you and someone successful in your industry is their ability to find people that are interested in what they are talking about or offering, and telling them about it.

I used to think he who builds the best product wins.

Or in John’s case, he who writes the best content wins.

“Build it well and they will come”.

Actually, they won’t.

In some cases, the best product provided it’s exponentially better than existing solutions, can give you high retention rates, and a great NPS score (people telling their friends and family about your product).

But to get people to tell others or stick with your product, they have to use it first, for them to use it you have to tell them about it.

If you want to build a successful product or blog. You can’t escape this.

Now, how would Entrepreneur Sally and Travel Blogger John go about this?

  • Step #1: Find in-depth, well-written, and well-shared articles on your topic

Entrepreneur Sally starts looking for well-written articles that talk about how to implement existing solutions. “These competitors suck”, she thought to herself.

Travel Blogger John starts looking for the most popular content with an overlap between traveling and working. “My last article on this topic is longer, better designed, more up to date, and more actionable”, he said to himself.

  • Step #2: Get the details of everyone that shared all the articles on Twitter

There are two ways of going about this:

  • Option 1: Paid (very cheap)
  • #1. First, go to Topik and enter the URL of each article.


  • #2 Then click the “Search” button. You get a list of everyone who shared the article on Twitter.
  • #3 Click the “Export to CSV” button to export their details (Full name, username, profile URL, bio, website, location, follower count, following count, status count, profile image, the date they created their twitter account, and their verified status).
  • ???? Your spreadsheet will look like the screenshot below:


  • Option 2: Free
  • #1. Install the Scrape Similar chrome extension.
  • #2. Go to and enter the article’s URL (without http://www).
  • #3. Scroll down till you load all the tweets.
  • #4. Highlight the name of one of the sharers, right-click, and click “Scrape Similar”.


  • #5. In the Scrape Similar tool, if you don’t see the results below, enter “//*/div/div[2]/div[1]/a” in the text box on the left.


  • Step #3: Find their contact email address at all costs

For the leads that have their website filled in their twitter info, you can get their corporate email addresses easily with these tools:

  • #option 1. Nimrod Hunter (free for 10 million email results/unlimited).
  • #option 2. Find That Lead (free for 10 email results per day).
  • #option 3. (free for 100 email results per month).
  • #option 4. VoilaNorbert ($0.10 per lead, first 50 leads free).

For the leads that don’t have their website filled in their twitter info, you can get their personal emails by:

  • #Option 2. Matching the Twitter handles to LinkedIn Profiles with FullContact.
  • #1. Make an account.
  • #2. Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).
  • #3. Log out and Log in again as a developer to get an API KEY.
  • #4. Open the template and enter your API KEY.
  • #5. Select Twitter handles as the source.
  • #6. Click on ‘InputSheet’ and paste in the Twitter Profile URLs.
  • #7. Go back to ‘Begin’ and click ‘Populate Contacts’.
  • #8. Now you have the LinkedIn URLs populated.
  • #Route 1.
  • What vital data do you get with LinkedIn? Correct! Their company’s website.
  • Now you can fill in the company’s website of each lead.
  • Then get their work emails with one of the options above. (Nimrod Hunter, Find That Lead,, and so on).
  • #Route 2.
  • Use Dux-Soup
  • Click on Dux-Soup > Download Data to get Dux-Soup’s CSV Export.
  • Empty just the ID and visit time columns.
  • Paste the LinkedIn URLs you got from the Twitter handles in the Profile column.
  • Now click on Dux-Soup > Revisit Data and upload the CSV with the LinkedIn profiles.
  • Then click on ‘Visit Profiles’. Dux-Soup will ask if you want to them to retrieve email addresses too, say yes.
  • Dux-Soup works on a point based system where one point is one email address returned.
  • You can get point by buying them or trading the emails of your own LinkedIn connections.
  • Leave the Dux to perform its magic.
  • Step #4: Follow all the leads on Twitter

Yes, if you have a lot of leads, it’s almost impossible to follow all of them manually. That’s where scripts come in. Follow the steps to follow all the leads on Twitter. You’ll see why this is important soon enough.

NB: Don’t forget to unfollow those that don’t follow back or convert a week later.

Another option is to use Manage Flitter.

  • Step #5: Reach out to them.

Now all that is left is to email each person on your list.

Here is the template I usually use:


NB: You see why I told you to follow them first?

Now to send this email to thousands of people, it will take time. It’s tedious work, and so you want to automate it.

I can give you a script I wrote to have 1:1 conversations at scale, track opens and clicks, location, device, OS, and so on. But it requires a bit of technical expertise to implement it, and that’ll make this playbook even longer than it already is.

An easy solution is to use this Google Sheet Add-on: Yet Another Mail Merge

Shameless Plug: If you’re interested, take my free email course on becoming a technical marketer, where I’ll go in-depth on how to use the email script, and much more. I’ll also help you master the technical skills you need to take your marketing to the next level.

  • Implementation.

Entrepreneur Sally:

  • Sally gathered 230 well-shared articles on implementing the ‘hard-to-use’ payment software competitors.
  • She then turned these articles into 150,000 leads from those that have shared these articles.
  • She reached out to them at the email below:


Sally converted 6% of the leads = 9000 new customers.

Each customer makes an average of $20,000 per year from sales on their website and Sally takes 4% per transaction.

This makes Sally a cool $7,200,000 year.

Now Sally’s was honest, her product was exponentially better than the competitors, so her converted customers tell their friends and family, some blogged about it, and so on.

What’s Sally’s ROI?

Travel Blogger John:

  • John gathered 150 well-shared articles on traveling as a lifestyle.
  • He turned these articles into 75,000 leads from those that have shared the articles.
  • He reached out to them at the email below:


John converted 10% of the leads to new readers on his blog post = 7,500

Using the email course as a content upgrade 2.8% (2100) of the leads signed up for the email course to learn the first steps they need to take to become digital nomads.

Out of those 2,100 subscribers, 8% bought the full e-course worth $350 a piece.

This makes Johnny boy a cool $58,800.

It’s not enough to have a great product or great content, you need do it justice and tell the people that’ll benefit from it about it.

  • Notable users of this play.

  • Entrepreneur Sally’s route:
  1. Elon Musk (Founder of Paypal)

In the early days of PayPal, just after the merge with, Elon and his colleagues, found eBay users by searching popular articles that talked about how to collect payments online as a seller on eBay (which was mostly done by mailing checks).

Elon then reached out to the authors of these articles, offering a better solution, and also giving them a gift of $10 credit on PayPal. Guess what, most of these authors wrote about PayPal to their audience.

Today PayPal is worth: $62 Billion

  1. Patrick Collison (Founder of

Patrick’s payment solution was founded in 2010, at that time there were quite a few places on the web to find people that have shared ‘how to integrate  PayPal on your website’, and other ‘complicated’ solutions. Patrick found the emails of these sharers on Hacker news, Twitter, and so on. And reached out to them. Here’s a screenshot of one of his emails:


Today Stripe is worth: $9 billion.

  1. Brian Chesky (Founder of Airbnb)

Brain found early Airbnb hosts by reaching out to people that shared/listed their accommodation on craigslists, Couchsurfing, and so on.

And found early Airbnb users by reaching out to people that were interested in events around the location with hosts on Airbnb. How do you find people interested in events? They share content about the events.

Today Airbnb is worth: $31 Billion

Travel Blogger John’s route:

  1. Neil Patel
  2. Brian Dean
  3. Noah Kagan
  4. Almost every successful blogger you know (ask them).

Did some people ignore their emails? Yes!

Did some people mark their emails as spam? Absolutely!

Did people reply saying rude things? You bet!

Did this stop Elon and the others from believing in what they were offering? Absolutely Not!

PS: Click here, If you’d like your prospecting outsourced.

Play 2. Using the crystal ball formula to get new clients as a  freelancer/consultant and make $1000 in the next month – even if you have no experience, no portfolio, and no website.

As you might have guessed, new consultant Larry is really excited to read this play.

Ready Larry?

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Go to Twitter search and type in “Looking for a freelance + [Your Industry]”

Step 2: ….

That’s what you thought you’d read eh?

Nah, you’re in for a much more exciting treat.

Let’s dive into Larry. Seriously this time 🙂

Most people struggle with how to get going as a new freelancer.

What can I sell?

What service can I provide?

How do I get clients?

How do people find out about me?

These are some of the most common questions you ask yourself.

But what if I told you that contrary to what you may think, starting out as a freelancer and getting paid work  does not have to be a slow and painful process.

You would definitely not hear this from the current/old school freelancers you talk to. Freelancers who are in some ways trying to protect their turf – they want it to seem complicated for you, the newbie.

But the truth is, no matter when you start, you can start getting paid work in less than a month.

And I intend to show you how in this play.

To do this, we’re going to talk about a technique called the crystal ball formula.

And the best thing about the crystal ball formula is that it can work for anyone even if you have no website, no experience, and no portfolio.

The crystal ball formula is best suited to getting clients now, but it also helps you get paid to build your portfolio.

Before we dive in, let’s take a look at the most common advice from the so-called experts.

You will hear things like:

  1. Spend a bunch of time learning your craft.
  2. Spend even more time building a portfolio.
  3. Beg people to give you work, often taking gigs for peanuts (or worse, for free in the hope that one day they’ll pay).
  4. Go to Upwork. Don’t!.
  5. Ask friends and family for recommendations.
  6. Go to events and expand your network.
  7. Some other vague advice on how to market yourself.

This approach works backwards because:

  1. You end up wasting a ton of time creating a portfolio that’s full of work future clients don’t care about.
  2. You end studying and practicing for months without ever doing any real work, when you would have learned faster, better, and more profitably on the job instead.
  3. Worst of all, you still end up with no clear path to finding paid work.

The crystal ball formula helps you avoid all this by turning the traditional advice on its head.

Now, how would new consultant Larry go about using the crystal ball formula?

  • Step #1: Go where the actual paying clients are


Not if you want to pay your rent.

Reach out to more businesses?

Yes, that might work, but you’re technically wasting a bunch of time by guessing what that client needs at that particular time.

How do you take the guesswork out of the equation?

By finding a well written ‘how-to’ article in your industry.

What did you smoke, Tomiwa?

Stick with me.

The first step is to find an article that meets these criteria:

  1. Long form/In-depth
  2. Must be a ‘how-to’ guide
  3. It’s well shared by big influencers/agencies
  4. It’s in your industry.

Here are a few example of the guides I’m referring to:

After you’ve done that, let’s move on to the next step.

  • Step #2: Learning with benefits

The next step is to digest the information in the guide you’ve chosen.

Go read it now.


Congratulations! You’re better than 98% of people on the internet on that topic.

Plus, you’re learning from the solutions to problems faced in the real world.

But Tomiwa, what’s the actual benefit?

The benefit is that in just one article:

  • You’ve learned all that you need to know to start getting paid gigs.
  • Your potential clients are also mixed in the package.

Basically, you’re going to get paid to implement the solution that article provides as a service.

I still don’t get where the potential clients are?

This leads us to the next step.

  • Step #3: Get the details of your potential clients

Your potential clients are those who expressed interest in that particular article a.k.a those who have shared the article.

How do you do that?

First, go to Topik  and enter the URL to the article


Then click the “Search” button and this will give you a list of everyone who shared the article on Twitter.

???? Your spreadsheet will look like the screenshot below;


See step #2 on play 1 on how to do this with the scrape similar extension + a script.  

Export the sharers and upload it to your Google drive.

  • Step #4: Prep

Make a list of potential clients.

Out of the sharers, you’re looking for those with a few attributes:

  1. Have a sizable audience (higher chances they can pay for your services)
  2. Have small businesses that have a product in the market

Once you’ve identified your potential clients, you need to set a specific goal for


Most people are not specific. Don’t!

Most people think too little about this. Don’t!

A specific goal prepares you mentally for the task ahead while also stating exactly what you want to accomplish in an allocated time frame.

I want to xx. Nope!

I want to get at least 1 client in November. Not bad!

I want to send 30 personalised proposals in November and get told ‘No, I’m not interested’ 29 times. Perfect!

Now, the next step is to get the emails of the potential clients.

For those that have their website filled in their twitter info, you can get their corporate email addresses easily with these tools:

  • #option 1. Nimrod Hunter (free for 10 million email results/unlimited).
  • #option 2. Find That Lead (free for 10 email results per day).
  • #option 3. (free for 100 email results per month).
  • #option 4. VoilaNorbert ($0.10 per lead, first 50 leads free).

For the leads that don’t have their website filled in their twitter info, you can get their personal emails by:

  • #Option 2. Matching the Twitter handles to LinkedIn Profiles with FullContact.
  • #1. Make an account.
  • #2. Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).
  • #3. Log out and Log in again as a developer to get an API KEY.
  • #4. Open the template and enter your API KEY.
  • #5. Select Twitter handles as the source.
  • #6. Click on ‘InputSheet’ and paste in the Twitter Profile URLs.
  • #7. Go back to ‘Begin’ and click ‘Populate Contacts’.
  • #8. Now you have the LinkedIn URLs populated.
  • #Route 1.
  • What vital data do you get with LinkedIn? Correct! Their company’s website.
  • Now you can fill in the company’s website of each lead.
  • Then get their work emails with one of the options above. (Nimrod Hunter, Find That Lead,, and so on).
  • #Route 2.
  • Use Dux-Soup
  • Click on Dux-Soup > Download Data to get Dux-Soup’s CSV Export.
  • Empty just the ID and visit time columns.
  • Paste the LinkedIn URLs you got from the Twitter handles in the Profile column.
  • Now click on Dux-Soup > Revisit Data and upload the CSV with the LinkedIn profiles.
  • Then click on ‘Visit Profiles’. Dux-Soup will ask if you want to them to retrieve email addresses too, say yes.
  • Dux-Soup works on a point based system where one point is one email address returned.
  • You can get point by buying them or trading the emails of your own LinkedIn connections.
  • Leave the Dux to perform its magic.
  • Step #5: The Proposal

This is where things get exciting.

By now you have a skill that is translatable to a service and you have people to offer it to.

Now create a proposal for each potential client. Your proposal should follow these guidelines:

  1. Spend at least 4 hours on each proposal, uniquely crafted for each potential client.
  2. Don’t tell them what you can do for them. Show them!
  3. Attach your work to a direct ROI. It makes it easier to demonstrate the value you’re bringing to the table.

The last step is to send off your proposal. Below is a template I normally use:


  • Step #6: Rinse and repeat (as needed)

The crystal ball formula is like a sniper rifle — it’s all about accuracy and efficiency. You learn what’s actually needed where your potential clients are.

Other freelancers will take a “shotgun” approach, aimlessly applying for tons of jobs with samples that just aren’t relevant to 99% of clients.

And best of all, you can do this as many times as you like. You don’t have to get married to one idea.

There you have it. I’ve just given you a solid play for becoming a freelancer/consultant that’s fast, free, and way easier than the advice the gurus give you.

Get to it. There’s no need to wait.

You aren’t risking anything and no one is going to bite you…except maybe one of the stuffy old freelancing pros you piss off with your speedy success.

  • Implementation

New Consultant Larry:

  • After searching for a bunch of ‘how-to’ articles in the Facebook Ad space, Larry settled on this one: How to start your first $100 retargeting campaign.
  • Larry read and digested the information on retargeting ads carefully. He learnt about what retargeting is, how it works, content retargeting ads, lead generation ads, direct purchase retargeting ads, pixel and list based retargeting ads, the ROI on retargeting, and most importantly how to implement everything.
  • He then gathered 150 leads from the sharers, and from those leads, he felt 45 of them fit the criteria to be potential clients.
  • He gathered their details as explained above, and sent a proposal to all 45 of the potential clients with the email below:


Larry got 2 of them to pay him to implement the process in their Business.

Client 1

Client 1 pay paid him $1000/month for a 6 months contract. The client makes return of 200% ROI on his investment and so extended Larry’s contract and now pays him $3,500/month.

Client 2

Since Larry already had a client, he could pay his rent and live comfortably, he decided to go with a contingency based service with client 2.

Clients 2 business currently makes $500,000 semi-annually (every 6 months).

Larry takes no money upfront and decided to take 10% of the revenue he brings to client 2 (contingency).

With retargeting, Larry doubled client 2’s  revenue to $1 million in 6 months. Which means a $500,000 increase in revenue.

Larry took home $50,000 for 6 months work.

Not too shabby, Larry.

Play 3: Steal your competitor’s users on Twitter (poaching at scale)

Like I mentioned earlier, Twitter is an interest-based platform, and so another good tactic is to target customers of your competitors.


These people already know they have a problem, they know what the problem is, they know the products (your competitors) that solve their problem and their offerings. However, they may or may not know about your product.

What does this mean?

It means you can skip lead qualification altogether.

The best part is, with the method I’m about to teach you, you have a direct line with them.

NB: You only have one chance, and so before you reach out to them, make sure your product/service is of value, has a unique advantage, and is generally worth selling.

  • Step #1: Gather a list of your competitors Twitter profiles.

Simple enough, get a list of the Twitter profile URL of your competitors. Focus on the ones that have a reasonable amount of following/followers.

  • Step #2: Get their users.

Using the Twitter script, follow the steps to extract all the Twitter accounts your competitors follow.

This is an important step because the Twitter accounts your competitors follow are more likely to be important to them.

Using the Twitter script again, follow the steps to extract all the Twitter accounts that are following your competitors.

As Twitter is interest based, you follow products you use or are interested in.

And so, grab them all.

If you’re interested in a chrome extension that grabs all your competitor’s followers/following at the click of a button, register your interest here.

  • Step #3: Filter the data.

Put the followers and following for each competitor on the same Google sheet. Then use the Remove Duplicates Google sheet add-on to mark the accounts that follow and are being followed by your competitor.

You don’t have to remove the duplicates, just use the add-on to highlight rows that are duplicated.

Often times, these are the important users to your competitor.

Use this Google sheet guide to add a filter to a couple of columns on your Google sheet:

  1. The status count column.
  2. The following count column.
  3. The follower count column.

For example, I usually remove the Twitter accounts with less than 30 statutes. And I prioritise the accounts with a followers/following ratio greater than 1.2.

  • Step #4: Find their contact email address at all costs

For the leads that have their website filled in their twitter info, you can get their corporate email addresses easily with these tools:

  • #option 1. Nimrod Hunter (free for 10 million email results/unlimited).
  • #option 2. Find That Lead (free for 10 email results per day).
  • #option 3. (free for 100 email results per month).
  • #option 4. VoilaNorbert ($0.10 per lead, first 50 leads free).

For the leads that don’t have their website filled in their twitter info, you can get their personal emails by:

  • #Option 2. Matching the Twitter handles to LinkedIn Profiles with FullContact.
  • #1. Make an account.
  • #2. Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).
  • #3. Log out and Log in again as a developer to get an API KEY.
  • #4. Open the template and enter your API KEY.
  • #5. Select Twitter handles as the source.
  • #6. Click on ‘InputSheet’ and paste in the Twitter Profile URLs.
  • #7. Go back to ‘Begin’ and click ‘Populate Contacts’.
  • #8. Now you have the LinkedIn URLs populated.
  • #Route 1.
  • What vital data do you get with LinkedIn? Correct! Their company’s website.
  • Now you can fill in the company’s website of each lead.
  • Then get their work emails with one of the options above. (Nimrod Hunter, Find That Lead,, and so on).
  • #Route 2.
  • Use Dux-Soup
  • Click on Dux-Soup > Download Data to get Dux-Soup’s CSV Export.
  • Empty just the ID and visit time columns.
  • Paste the LinkedIn URLs you got from the Twitter handles in the Profile column.
  • Now click on Dux-Soup > Revisit Data and upload the CSV with the LinkedIn profiles.
  • Then click on ‘Visit Profiles’. Dux-Soup will ask if you want to them to retrieve email addresses too, say yes.
  • Dux-Soup works on a point based system where one point is one email address returned.
  • You can get point by buying them or trading the emails of your own LinkedIn connections.
  • Leave the Dux to perform its magic.

For example, for my tool Nimrod Hunter, I was able to get leads from current users of other email finding software like


  • Step #5: Reach out to them

Now all that is left is to email each person on your list.

See Play 1: step 5 for an email outreach template.

  • Implementation

See Play 1’s implementation which includes ROI, exact outreach templates, and so on.

Entrepreneur Sally

Sally, make a list of her competitor’s users on Twitter:

She is able to gather 1.5M twitter users.

Travel Blogger John

John, on the other hand, looks for Twitter profiles his potential customers might be following. From other influencers to tool for digital nomads:

He is able to gather 500K twitter users.

New Consultant Larry

At first, Larry had no idea if this play was for him. Just by chance,

he came across this post on how to double your traffic from social media by recycling your social media updates using the Buffer API. And with this, your free Buffer account which sole job is to schedule turns into a powerful social media manager/automation tool like Edgar.

Who does Larry implement this for?

That’s right, Buffer users.

And so he goes to Buffer twitter profile:

  • Boom! Almost 1 Million Leads.

The possibilities are endless.

PS: Click here, If you’d like your prospecting outsourced.

Play 4 (Bonus Play): ProductHunt Upvoters

I love bonuses and I’m sure you do too.

Now that you know how to turn twitter handles into rich profiles with email addresses and so on, we can find highly targeted leads in other places like Product Hunt.

Product Hunt is a community of product-loving enthusiast that share and geek out about…products.

It’s safe to assume that people who upvoted a similar product are likely to be interested in your product.

And best of all, the Product Hunt user profiles are linked to their Twitter handles.


You see where I’m going with this so let’s get started:


  1. Enter the ProductHunt URL and your token in this tool.
  2. Get a CSV filled with the details of all the Upvoters (like the image below):



Great! Let’s dive in.

  • Step #1: Get your Product Hunt Developer Token

  1. Create a ProductHunt account.
  2. Once you’ve signed up, click on your avatar > API Dashboard.

api_dashboard product hunt.png

  1. Then click ‘Add an Application’.
  2. You can call the Application whatever you want, and redirect to whichever website you want.
  3. Once you get to the page in the screenshot below, click the ‘CREATE TOKEN’ button:

Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 15.42.02.png

  1. Once you click ‘CREATE TOKEN’, you’ll have something like this:

Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 15.47.48.png

  1. Enter your Product Hunt Developer Token and the ProductHunt’s product page URL here.
  2. Click “Get Upvoters”.
  3. If everything worked right, you should see a page that looks like this:


  1. You’ll get the CSV file sent to your email.

Now you can fill other details from the Twitter handles and reach out to them as we’ve done throughout this playbook.

PS: Click here, If you’d like your prospecting outsourced.

I hope you enjoyed this Playbook.

If you did, please share it with someone who would benefit from it! ❤️


If you’re Growth Hacker I’d love your opinion on this statement: “For someone to call themselves a Growth Hacker, they must have some basic technical skills? And why?”. Let me know here. ❤️

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Picture of Jonathan Saeidian
Jonathan Saeidian
Chief Executive Officer at Brenton Way. We deliver growth exceptionally well from tailored outreach lead generation for B2B to PR campaign strategy for B2C.