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Vampire Tasks, The Major Time Suck From Busy Marketers

Hey, hey!

So glad you stopped by 🙂 

Boy life has been crrraaazzzy lately for the Krall fam. 

Since having our second child, Eden, I’ve realized how valuable my time is.

The LAST thing I want to be doing with the time I DO have, is what I call “Vampire Tasks”.  🧛🏻‍♂️

I call ‘em Vampire Tasks because they’re the tasks on my to-do list that suck the energy out of me.

Maybe it’s just me?

I’ve realized that as a parent, I have a battery of energy, patience, and focus.

In the morning, they’re fully charged.

They slowwwly drain over the rest of the day.

And when they’re totally empty, I turn into “Monster Daddy”.

No one, especially me, likes it when Monster Daddy comes out 👺.

Coffee, energy drinks, meditation, and breathwork all help me recharge a little.

And writing everything down helps me to get it out of my head…

But when it comes down to it, I still gotta DO it all. 

For example, one week, my list of tasks included:

  • Calling local electricians to get quotes to fix our broken dryer
  • Waiting for hours on hold to pay bills, update flight information or talk to support
  • Sending birthday cards to friends and family (buying the card, writing it, buying stamps, going to the post office)
  • Researching the cheapest days to stay at hotels
  • Researching, buying and shipping gifts to clients, friends and family
  • Pre-order lunch via DoorDash for a busy day
  • Scheduling appointments for the dentist, physical therapist and massage therapist

See all those energy-sucking, big-fanged Vampires?

Just looking at it makes me want to curl up in a coffin and take a nice long nap, haha. 

And not only that, these sneaky Vamps  would drain my Parent Batteries, turning me into a grouchy, touchy, grumpy Monster Dad.

So, in desperation, I went to the Apple App store and searched “personal assistant app”.

I downloaded EVERY “personal assistant” app I could find, and tried them all.

Some were really good, but expensive ($400/mo for a part-time assistant).

For others, the quality was subpar and they charged per the hour ($10-$20/hr).

I couldn’t justify paying $400-$800 a month, but I still wanted to get those Vampire Tasks off my plate so I could be the Dad and Husband I wanted to be. 

One of the apps I tried was called “Stuff”.

The way it works is you open up the app and type a task out  or record a voice message for what you need done, (I love the voice record feature) 

Here’s how quick it is: 

And it goes to a US-based person who does the task for you.

All those mini vampire tasks? 

They stick their necks out and THEY take the bites, lol. 

(Thank you for your sacrifice 🙏🏼) 

Every time I see a Vampire Task on my to-do list, I open up Stuff, send a voice message with what I need to be done, and BOOM!

I’ll open up my phone and send bundles of 3-4 things I need done, and when I wake up in the morning, they’re all done. 

I’ve sent them projects to do while walking with Penny, on bike rides, at 2 in the morning…

Whenever something pops into my head.

I’ve never been uber-rich..

But it FEELS like I am when I’ve got this little “Butler” in my pocket. 

And here’s the crazy part.

(I don’t know how they’re doing this)

Those other assistant services charge $400-$1,000 a month OR $15-$20/hr.

This app?

$50/mo for UNLIMITED tasks.

Not per hour.

$50/mo flat for unlimited tasks.

They DO limit the time they spend on tasks to 3 hours, and won’t do extensive research or super technical tasks…

But they’ll do 100’s of other things that you and I hate doing. 

For example, last week I had them design a quick flyer for a garage sale we were having.

I sent a voice message with what I wanted, then went to lunch with Arlo.

When I came back, I had a message waiting for me:

I mean, it won’t win any design awards but it’s better than I could do!

And more importantly, I didn’t have to do it!

I’ve sent them about 60 tasks so far? 

I estimate each task was about an hour…so that’s 60 hours I got to spend playing with Arlo, working on leather, napping, taking walks with the fam. 

I’m not saying a Personal Assistant will change your life?

But it sure makes life a lot easier.

It’s made me a better Dad, spouse…

I get to spend more time focusing on my priorities…

And I don’t beat myself up for not getting important tasks done.

If you’ve got an iPhone or Android, this will get you the first task for free:

👆🏼 This link tells them you came from me.

(They drop some Stuff “cash” in my account as a small “Thank You”)

And if you use the link above?

I’ll send you a little training I did that will help you uncover at LEAST 10 tasks you can delegate to them right away.

Just drop me a FB message and I’ll get it to ya.

I’m calling it the “Vampire Killer Bonus”. 

(If you prefer not to use my referral link above, you can type in “Stuff” in your app store search bar).

I know for a fact that the assistants doing the tasks for ya are getting paid $15-$20/hr…

So I don’t know how long or even IF this price will stay the same? 

But if you get in now, I’m pretty sure you’re locked in at the $50/mo. 

Anyways, appreciate you reading my little note. 

If you don’t end up using Stuff, that’s totally fine. 

I just hope you remember: 

Just because a parent CAN do it all, SHOULD you to do it all?

Love ya, 


P.S. Right now the app ONLY works in the good ol’ USA. Sorry to all my international friends! I don’t know if they plan on expanding it or not? 

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Picture of Jonathan Saeidian
Jonathan Saeidian
Chief Executive Officer at Brenton Way. We deliver growth exceptionally well from tailored outreach lead generation for B2B to PR campaign strategy for B2C.

Aaron Krall is the Founder of Saas Growth Hacks