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Quick Tip: Improving SEO Algorithm using Webmaster Tools

Did you know you can improve your SEO by training Google’s AI algorithm?

For many people optimizing their sites to get on the first page of Google is this mysterious unknown…

However, what if I told you, that you can improve your site rank and even outrank your competitors by training Google’s algorithm?

There’s no way, the average person could do that! Right?!


Under the Search Appearance tab, there are a bunch of goodies, you absolutely should be paying attention to…


It’s one of the tools I used to rank a site for over 30,000 new keywords IN LESS THAN 30 DAYS!


Name one SEO expert that can do anything similar?

You can’t…

So how did I do it?

Among other techniques, I spent about an hour in the “Data Highlighter”, which is a tool that allows for you to highlight and label the data on your website Google should be looking for!

No programming experience required!

Just point, click, and select the label of what it that data is!

This is a CRITICAL step, that every business owner should be doing, but probably has never heard of, and if you own a blog or have an e-commerce store, you should drop everything and spend the next hour training Google’s algorithm to index your website better!

The better Google understands your site structure, the easier it is for it to index information, the easier it is for Google to serve that information to people searching for that information, which in turn increases your site rank!

So if you are not doing it, your competition is, but if they are not doing it yet, then doing so will give you a ranking advantage! So what are you waiting for?

Stop reading and go label your site dataΒ 

You can thank me later!

Cheers, and happy bank account building!

(PS: If you found value the above, follow me! )

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Picture of Jonathan Saeidian
Jonathan Saeidian
Chief Executive Officer at Brenton Way. We deliver growth exceptionally well from tailored outreach lead generation for B2B to PR campaign strategy for B2C.