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14 Best AI Ecommerce Marketing Tools


Artificial intelligence tools are a game-changer for ecommerce businesses. From price monitoring to creating relevant product descriptions, the top AI-powered ecommerce marketing tools are automating everything for ecommerce brands. 

In this article, I will share the top 14 ecommerce marketing tools powered by artificial intelligence that can automate your tasks to increase sales. 

What are AI Ecommerce Marketing Tools?

AI ecommerce digital marketing tools are specialized programs powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance and optimize various marketing activities within the ecommerce industry. 

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AI tools to optimize ecommerce shops are designed to help businesses improve their marketing strategies, customer engagement, and overall performance in the online retail space. 

Powerful AI Tools For Ecommerce

Here are the top 10 artificial intelligence tools for ecommerce brands: is an AI-powered marketing platform tailored for ecommerce businesses. It specializes in delivering personalized and relevant experiences to customers throughout their shopping journey. The tool offers a suite of features that enhance site search, product recommendations, email marketing, social media, and advertising.

It provides ecommerce businesses with the capabilities they need to deliver highly personalized shopping experiences, boost sales, and respect customer privacy, all while offering excellent support and integration options.

Top Features:

  • Intelligent Search:’s search engine uses keywords, sales data, behavior, and product availability to provide highly relevant search results to customers. It understands natural language and offers predictive results.
  • Smart Recommendations: The platform leverages AI to instantly match products to individual visitors, increasing basket sizes. It offers customizable recommendation logic and adapts to new trends.
  • Email Automation: automates personalized email marketing with product recommendations triggered by user behavior. It provides pre-built high-converting email triggers and predictive sending.
  • Audience Segmentation: Users can easily create and target specific audience segments based on keywords, filters, lifecycle, lifetime value, and more. The tool integrates with ESP, CRM, Ad, and Social platforms.
  • Next-Gen AI: uses ClerkCore™, its proprietary AI technology, designed for modern ecommerce. It centralizes data from multiple sources to create personalized omnichannel experiences.
  • Customer Analytics & Insights: Offers 360° insights, including customer profiles and journeys, behavior analysis, purchase frequency, lifecycle, and price sensitivity.
  • Cookieless Personalization: respects customer privacy by offering personalized experiences without using cookies, fully GDPR-compliant.
  • Integration with ecommerce Platforms: seamlessly integrates with various ecommerce, marketing, CRM, and advertising platforms, making it a valuable addition to your tech stack.


  • Free trial available.
  • The paid plans start at $99 monthly.


SiteGPT is an AI-powered chatbot creation tool designed to enhance ecommerce websites’ marketing efforts. It specializes in creating personalized chatbots that are trained on the specific content of a website, enabling businesses to instantly answer visitors’ questions and provide a tailored shopping experience.

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Top Features:

  • Personalized Chatbots: SiteGPT allows users to create custom chatbots that are trained on their own website content. This ensures that the chatbot can provide accurate and relevant responses to visitors’ inquiries.
  • No Code Required: Users can easily create chatbots without the need for coding or technical expertise. The process involves entering the website URL, selecting pages for training, and starting the training process with a simple click.
  • Real-time Learning: The chatbot continuously learns from the website’s content in real-time.
  • Customization: Users can customize various aspects of the chatbot, including its appearance, name, and suggestions, ensuring it aligns with the website’s branding and customer experience.
  • Website Integration: SiteGPT provides an embed code that allows users to seamlessly integrate the chatbot into their website. This integration enhances the overall user experience and encourages interaction.
  • Multilingual Support: The chatbot can handle multiple languages, making it suitable for ecommerce websites serving a global audience.
  • Chat History: Users have access to a complete chat history, allowing them to review interactions and gain insights into visitor queries and preferences.
  • API Integration: SiteGPT offers a comprehensive API that allows for deeper integration and customization, catering to specific ecommerce needs.


  • Essential: $19/month
  • Growth: $49/month
  • Pro: $99/month
  • Elite: $999/month


Descript is an all-in-one multimedia editing and collaboration tool that offers powerful capabilities for ecommerce AI marketing, especially for creating and editing videos and podcasts. It simplifies the content creation process and enhances collaboration among team members.

Top Features:

  • Video Editing: Descript provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for editing videos. It allows users to cut, trim, add transitions, and make edits just like working with text documents and slides.
  • Podcast Editing: For ecommerce businesses involved in podcast marketing, Descript offers multitrack audio editing capabilities. Users can edit audio content with the same ease as editing a document.
  • Screen Recording: The tool allows users to instantly capture, edit, and share screen and webcam recordings. This feature is valuable for creating product demos, tutorials, and promotional content.
  • Transcription: Descript offers industry-leading transcription accuracy and speed. Users can transcribe audio and video content and make corrections easily with built-in tools.
  • Clip Creation: ecommerce marketers can repurpose content by creating clips using templates, subtitles, and other creative elements. This enables the creation of engaging short-form content for marketing campaigns.
  • Publishing: Descript provides a powerful embeddable player for hosting videos. Users can seamlessly share their content on websites, social media, and other platforms.
  • Collaboration: Teams can collaborate effectively within Descript, making it a valuable tool for ecommerce businesses with multiple team members involved in content creation. They can edit, comment, and review projects in real-time.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Descript’s interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it accessible for individuals without extensive technical expertise.
  • Templates: The tool offers templates and subtitle capabilities that help streamline the creation of marketing content, ensuring that videos and podcasts are engaging and on-brand.
  • Cost-Effective: Descript offers a range of pricing plans, including a free plan, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. Paid plans start at $12 per month, providing scalability as your content needs grow.


  • Basic (Free): $0 per month
  • Creator: $12 per user/month (billed annually at $144)
  • Pro: $24 per user/month (billed annually at $288)
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing (for teams of 10+; contact for details)


Syte is an AI tool to grow your ecommerce business by enhancing online shopping experience with visual search and AI-powered product recommendations. 

Top Features:

  • Visual Discovery: Syte’s visual search technology enables shoppers to find products they love through visually inspiring search experiences driven by AI. This feature improves product discoverability.
  • Image Search & Inspiration Gallery: Shoppers can search for products using images, making it easier to find exactly what they’re looking for.
  • Visual Recommendation Engines: Syte offers various recommendation engines, such as “Shop Similar,” “Shop Social,” and “Shop the Look/Room,” which inspire customers and boost conversions.
  • Advanced Personalized Recommendations: Syte provides personalized product recommendations tailored to individual shoppers, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
  • AI Tagging & Merchandising: Automate and scale product tagging with AI, saving time, optimizing merchandising processes, and improving the accuracy of product data.
  • Deep Tag Analytics: Gain insights into the performance of your AI-tagged products and use this data to refine your eCommerce strategies.
  • High Conversion Rate: Syte’s product recommendations have been shown to significantly increase conversion rates, helping businesses sell more effectively.
  • Uplift in Average Order Value: Shoppers exposed to Syte’s recommendations tend to spend more per order, leading to an increase in average order value.


  • Free trial available.
  • The paid plans start at $99 monthly.


Granify is an AI-powered marketing tool designed to boost revenue for large retailers by creating personalized shopping experiences. 

It empowers retailers to enhance their ecommerce marketing strategies through AI-driven personalization, reducing cart abandonment rates, optimizing conversions, and delivering targeted product recommendations that drive revenue growth.

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Top Features:

  • Reduce Cart Abandonment: Granify helps reduce the number of indecisive cart abandoners by delivering the right message at the right time, increasing shopper conversions, and unlocking hidden revenue.
  • Optimize Conversions: The tool optimizes the pathway to higher conversions by enhancing the eCommerce shopping experience. It does this by delighting shoppers, showcasing relevant products, and maximizing sales.
  • Personalization: Granify adds a personal touch to shopping experiences by creating relevant experiences with targeted messaging. This personalization increases customer satisfaction and conversions.
  • AI-Powered Product Recommendations: Granify excels in machine learning-powered product recommendations. It can predict what shoppers want to see and when, increasing the likelihood of sales.
  • Real-Time Performance Measurement: Granify provides a dedicated partner portal that reports on all campaign performances in real-time. This feature allows businesses to track the success of their marketing efforts.
  • White Glove Service: Granify takes care of the heavy lifting, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations while benefiting from AI-driven marketing.


  • Free trial available.
  • Contact for pricing.


ViSenze is a powerful product discovery platform that helps ecommerce businesses enhance their marketing strategies with AI-driven solutions. 

It empowers ecommerce businesses to enhance the shopping experience, drive conversions, and increase revenue through AI-driven recommendations, visual search, and optimized product catalogs.

Top Features:

  • Smart Recommendations: ViSenze’s AI-driven recommendation engine allows businesses to increase revenue through improved conversions and customer engagement. Recommendations are tailored to what shoppers are currently viewing, enhancing the likelihood of purchases.
  • Smart Search: The platform offers smart product search by image, enabling shoppers to find products quickly using photos, saved images, or screenshots. This visual search capability enhances the overall shopping experience.
  • Smart Tagging:  ViSenze helps optimize ecommerce product catalogs at scale by automatically adding accurate tags to products. This not only improves search performance but also reduces operational costs.
  • Designed for Fashion: ViSenze’s solutions are tailored to match real-time purchase intent with similar and complementary products, ultimately increasing order size. Case studies with fashion retailers like Zalora showcase the impact of ViSenze’s Smart Recommendations and Search on conversions and revenue.
  • Built for Furniture: ViSenze enables customers to decorate their homes with visually inspired designs and ideas. It helps furniture retailers like DFS optimize the shopper experience through visual search and recommendations.
  • Rapid Deployment: ViSenze offers a quick deployment process, allowing businesses to see results in just two weeks. The platform seamlessly integrates with popular eCommerce platforms, and expert assistance ensures a smooth setup for immediate impacts on conversions and revenue.
  • Discovery Suite: ViSenze offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered discovery solutions, including recommendations, search, and tagging, to cover various aspects of product discovery and customer engagement.


  • Free trial available.
  • The paid plans start at $25 monthly.


Blueshift is an AI-powered cross-channel marketing platform designed to enhance customer engagement and maximize marketing ROI for ecommerce businesses. 

It offers a comprehensive marketing platform with AI-driven personalization capabilities, making it an ideal choice for ecommerce businesses looking to optimize customer engagement, increase conversions, and drive revenue growth.

Top Features:

  • Personalization Across Every Marketing Channel: Blueshift offers an all-in-one cross-channel marketing platform that enables businesses to easily automate campaigns, integrate data, and consolidate multiple point solutions. This simplifies customer engagement and personalization efforts.
  • Maximize Marketing ROI: The platform helps businesses grow customer lifetime value by leveraging AI-powered marketing. Blueshift’s modern marketers benefit from AI-driven campaigns that scale, reach and increase customer lifetime value while optimizing limited marketing resources.
  • Intelligent Customer Engagement: Blueshift combines the capabilities of a Customer Data Platform (CDP), marketing automation, AI-powered recommendations, and predictions into a single platform. This enables businesses to segment customers, choose the best channels, and send relevant messages at optimal times, all while lowering costs.
  • Real-Time CDP: Blueshift’s Real-Time CDP unifies and organizes customer data from various sources, allowing for rich customer profiles and easily accessible segments.
  • AI-Powered Decisioning: The platform uses AI to automate and scale marketing efforts, including customer segmentation and channel selection, ensuring that relevant messages are delivered at the right times.
  • Cross-Channel Delivery: Blueshift enables businesses to create seamless customer journeys that adapt in real-time across various channels, including email, SMS, in-app, web, and paid media.
  • Integration Everywhere: Blueshift’s Smart Hub connects to multiple marketing channels, providing businesses with the flexibility to build timely interactions across email, mobile, web, digital, customer support, and more.
  • Personalize Every Touchpoint: Blueshift allows businesses to create engaging interactions through cross-channel campaigns and recommendations. This includes personalized email outreach, push notifications, SMS messages, in-app messages, web personalization, and optimized paid media campaigns.


  • Starter: Starts at $1,500/mo
  • Growth: Starts at $4,000/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom Pricing


Clarifai is an AI platform designed for developers and ML engineers to build intelligent applications. It offers a range of AI solutions, including generative AI, production AI, computer vision, and foundation models. 

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Customers across different industries trust Clarifai to address their complex business challenges. It provides a versatile platform for developers, ML engineers, and enterprises to harness the power of AI for data-driven insights and applications.

Top Features:

  • Input Management: Process unstructured data such as images, video, text, and audio, and index them for easy access.
  • Automated Data Labeling: Label data quickly with AI-assisted tools, streamlining the data annotation process.
  • Spacetime Data Management and Search: Manage and search unstructured data at scale, using AI and search capabilities to gain insights from your data.
  • Enlight Train and Eval: Train and evaluate AI models efficiently using user-friendly tools.
  • Armada Elastic Inference: Scale AI operations up or down as needed, allowing for flexible deployment.
  • Mesh Workflows: Create configurable workflows to transform your data for various use cases.
  • Flare Edge: Analyze video feeds on-premise or in remote locations, enhancing video analysis capabilities.


  • Free API Plan:Community
  • Price: $0/month
  • Starts at: $30/month
  • Starts at: $300/month
  • Custom Pricing: (For demanding enterprise use cases)


Trymaverick is an AI-powered video marketing tool tailored for ecommerce businesses. It enables personalized interactions with customers throughout their buying journey. 

It empowers ecommerce businesses to harness the power of personalized video marketing to enhance customer relationships, drive engagement, and boost revenue across the entire customer journey.

Top Services:

  • Personalized Video Messages: Maverick allows you to create personalized video messages for your customers without the need to record a new video for each individual. This personalization helps build stronger relationships with customers.
  • Automated Personalization: Video messages can be delivered over personalized emails, ensuring that each customer receives a tailored message.
  • Drive Revenue and Engagement: Videos are known to be effective marketing and engagement tools, and personalization further enhances their impact. Maverick’s personalized video messages can lead to higher email engagement and more repeat purchases.
  • Ease of Setup: Setting up Maverick requires minimal engineering work. It provides pre-built scripts and templates, making it easy to add use cases and get started quickly.
  • Integration with Ecommerce Platforms: Maverick seamlessly integrates with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, as well as email marketing tools like Klaviyo and Omnisend.
  • Use Across Customer Journey: You can use Maverick’s personalized video messages at various stages of the customer journey, from welcoming new subscribers to recovering abandoned carts and re-engaging past customers.
  • Customer Delight: Maverick’s personalized videos have received positive feedback from customers, leading to increased loyalty and brand perception.
  • Scalability: Whether you have a small or large customer base, Maverick can help you send personalized video messages at scale.
  • ROI and Engagement Metrics: Maverick boasts impressive metrics such as a 100X ROI, high email open rates, and increased cart recovery rates.


  • Free trial available.
  • The paid plans start at $100 monthly.


Copysmith’s Describely is an AI-powered solution designed for ecommerce content teams to create high-quality, SEO-optimized product content at scale. 

It simplifies the process of generating product descriptions, bullet points, titles, and tags while integrating seamlessly with various eCommerce tools and platforms. It is also a valuable AI-powered tool for ecommerce content teams, streamlining content creation, optimization, and management while improving SEO performance and rankings.

Top Features:

  • Unlimited, High-Quality Content Creation: Describely enables users to generate an unlimited amount of high-quality product content efficiently.
  • Robust Product Catalog Management: It allows users to import their entire product catalog, making it easy to manage and optimize content for all products in one place.
  • Bulk Product Content Generation: Users can create product descriptions, bullet points, titles, and tags for multiple products simultaneously, saving time and effort.
  • Integrates with eCommerce Tools and Platforms: Describely seamlessly integrates with popular eCommerce content management systems like Shopify, WooCommerce, and PIMs like Salsify, with more integrations on the way.
  • Power of GPT Optimized for SEO: Describely harnesses the power of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to assist in writing, rewriting, and SEO optimizing product content. It provides keyword research tools and evaluates content against SEO best practices.
  • Keyword Planning: Users can efficiently plan keywords for new products and optimize existing content to improve search engine rankings.


  • Free trial available.
  • The paid plans start at $228 yearly and go up to $490 yearly.


Intelligence Node offers an AI-driven Price Monitoring Software designed to empower eCommerce businesses in optimizing their pricing strategies, monitoring competitor prices, and ensuring profitability. 

It equips eCommerce businesses with powerful AI-driven tools to stay competitive, make data-driven pricing decisions, and enhance profitability. It offers real-time monitoring, smart recommendations, and comprehensive insights into competitor pricing strategies.

Top Features:

  • 99% Accuracy: Monitor and optimize prices with 99% accuracy, enabling data-driven pricing decisions.
  • Real-Time Price Adjustments: Utilize machine learning algorithms to refresh competitor data every 10 seconds, enabling real-time price adjustments based on competitor movements.
  • Smart Price Recommendations: Receive smart price recommendations that consider multiple parameters, including demand, market trends, competitor prices, product availability, and price thresholds.
  • Product Matching: Compare pricing for similar and identical products with 99% accuracy, allowing for competitive pricing strategies.
  • Plug & Play API: Access competitor price monitoring capabilities through a plug-and-play API format for quick setup and scalability.
  • Historical Pricing Data: Analyze historical pricing data for up to two years to identify trends and make informed pricing decisions.
  • Unlimited Alerts and Reports: Receive unlimited alerts and reports, keeping you informed of price changes and competitive strategies.
  • Global Monitoring: Monitor competitor products at a global level or at a local level down to the zip code, uncovering hidden pricing opportunities.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Utilize easy-to-use, comprehensive dashboards to track, review, and report competitor prices and optimize product prices swiftly.


Namogoo’s Digital Journey Continuity Platform is designed to enhance the customer journey by eliminating interruptions and providing personalized experiences at scale. From an eCommerce AI marketing perspective, it offers several features to optimize the customer journey and drive revenue.

It empowers eCommerce businesses to create a seamless and personalized customer journey while optimizing conversions and revenue. It offers a range of features to enhance the online shopping experience and combat disruptions effectively.

Top Features:

  • Core Platform: Gather, predict, and act upon real-time journey data to deliver precise and personalized experiences that drive revenue.
  • Customer Hijacking Prevention: Manage and prevent interruptions during the customer journey on your site, ensuring a seamless experience and preserving revenue.
  • Shopping Affiliates Analysis & Management: Understand the attribution and contribution of affiliate extensions to your bottom line, allowing for more effective management.
  • Intent-Based Promotions: Deliver highly effective promotions tailored to individual shoppers, optimizing conversions while maintaining healthy margins.
  • Personalized Email & SMS: Automatically send smart and personalized emails and SMS messages that drive conversions and engage customers effectively.
  • Digital Governance: Identify and manage all personal data and services running on your site, ensuring compliance with data regulations.
  • Impressive Results: Namogoo’s platform has delivered significant results for its customers, including a 1.5% increase in conversion rate (CR), a 5% increase in revenue per visitor (RPV), and a 10x return on investment (ROI).


  • Free trial available.
  • Contact for pricing.


  • Free trial available.
  • Contact for pricing.

The Seventh Sense

Seventh Sense is an AI-powered email marketing software designed to enhance email marketing performance and engagement. 

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It is an AI-driven email marketing solution that focuses on optimizing email send times for maximum engagement and deliverability. It seamlessly integrates with popular marketing platforms, provides ROI measurement, and offers comprehensive support resources.

Top Features:

  • AI-Powered Email Optimization: Seventh Sense uses AI algorithms to optimize email marketing campaigns for maximum engagement. It analyzes recipient behavior and sends emails at the most opportune times.
  • Increased Email Deliverability: The tool helps improve email deliverability rates by sending emails when recipients are most likely to check their inboxes, reducing the chances of emails going unnoticed.
  • Enhanced Engagement: By analyzing recipient engagement patterns, Seventh Sense ensures that emails reach recipients when they are most receptive, resulting in higher open and click-through rates.
  • Personalization: The software enables personalized email delivery, tailoring email send times to individual recipient preferences, ultimately boosting the effectiveness of email campaigns.
  • Help Resources: Seventh Sense offers comprehensive help documents, guides, and support to assist users in maximizing the benefits of AI-driven email marketing.
  • Privacy and Security: The tool prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring that user and customer data are handled in compliance with relevant regulations and best practices.


  • Business: $64 per month (annually) or custom pricing (monthly)
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing (starts at 150K Contacts per year)

Frequently Asked Questions About Artificial Intelligence Ecommerce Advertising Tools

Why should ecommerce businesses consider using AI tools for ecommerce business?

Ecommerce companies can benefit from AI marketing tools because they enable personalized customer experiences, improve marketing campaign efficiency, increase customer retention, and ultimately boost sales and revenue.

What are some key features to look for in AI ecommerce marketing tools?

Key features to consider include customer segmentation, personalized product recommendations, email marketing automation, chatbots for customer support, predictive analytics, and A/B testing capabilities.

How do AI marketing tools enhance email marketing for ecommerce?

AI marketing tools can analyze customer behavior, segment email lists, send personalized product recommendations, and optimize email delivery times to improve email open rates and conversions.

Can AI help with dynamic pricing strategies in ecommerce? 

Yes, AI can optimize pricing strategies by analyzing market conditions, competitor pricing, and customer behavior. It can automatically adjust prices to maximize revenue and competitiveness. 

What role does AI play in improving the customer shopping experience in ecommerce? 

AI-powered chatbots and recommendation engines can provide personalized product recommendations, answer customer queries, and offer a more interactive and tailored shopping experience. 

How does AI assist in ad creatives and content optimization for ecommerce? 

AI can analyze ad performance data and user behavior to suggest improvements in ad creatives, copywriting, and imagery to enhance engagement and click-through rates.

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