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Top 12 Product Listing and Launching Platforms for 2023

Are you ready to discover the top 12 product listings and launching platforms that are set to make waves in 2023? In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses and entrepreneurs need to stay ahead of the game when it comes to promoting and launching their products. 

That’s why we’ve curated this exciting blog post to help you explore the most promising platforms that can skyrocket your product’s visibility and success. Whether you’re a well-established brand or a passionate newcomer, finding the perfect platform can be a game-changer in boosting sales, capturing the attention of your target audience, and being the brand people never forget. So, buckle up and get ready to uncover the most promising platforms that will set the stage for your product’s remarkable journey in 2023.

Product Hunt

The finest social media network for startups is Product Hunt, where consumers can find out the most recent information about brand-new digital goods. This website’s front page features freshly launched firms. You can apply to be featured here if you own a technology, productivity, gaming, or fitness firm.

Users may also upvote their preferred items on this free site, which attempts to introduce new products to its audience. This voting system has the ability to make your business popular and attract investors and clients. You must provide a video and a description that are both clear and instructive to register your startup on Product Hunt.


BetaList is a platform where small company owners may advertise their startups for potential customers to find. Bloggers, investors, journalists, and early adopters are among the users of this community website. As a consequence, a community of professionals may provide you ratings and criticism on your company.

Depending on your demands, you may pick between the platform’s free and premium subscription options. Make sure your business is a hardware- or software-based technology startup if you want to join this group. Recently created websites without press attention or marketing activities are not allowed to be included here.


AlternativeTo compiles listings of SaaS, desktop applications, and mobile app substitutes. You may quickly sign up and offer your website or product as an alternative to any widely used tool. However, after review, any suggestions you have will be made public.

Similar to traditional app directories, this platform does not categorize the program.

As an alternative, each app offers a unique list of alternatives that provides users with a personalized listing strategy. Using software tags or filtering the results based on available platforms and licensing types, end users may also identify similar programs.

Startup Stash

The largest software and resource directory for techies, startups, and business owners worldwide, according to Startup Stash. You may list your firm here, and it offers a curated library of more than 600 items in 50 categories.

Accounting, Agile Project Management, App development, Billing and Invoicing Software, Business Management, Digital Asset Management, Human Resources, Internal Communications, Leadership, Marketing Analytics, Payment Processing, Productivity, Remote Work, Time and Expense, and Website Builder are a few of the most popular categories on this list.

The platform offers hand-selected tools and resources, and each has a dedicated website with comprehensive program information.

Hacker News

With over 150k users, Hacker News is a social network for startups. Consequently, you can use this free platform to inform the tech community about your startup. Hacker News is a fantastic platform for brand promotion since it allows you to advertise your firm by sharing tech and startup-related news.

You may post business success stories and the most recent information on computers here.

It does not tolerate any self-promotion, so keep that in mind. Your news submissions have to be in an educational context and benefit the readers’ understanding. You must also provide the news story’s original source.


You may offer digitally distributed products and online services on AppSumo’s marketplace. This is the ideal platform for SaaS product owners to offer their digital goods at a discount and reach millions of early-stage users.

Software, WordPress plugins, a template library, Chrome extensions, eBooks, PDFs, design components, low-code/no-code apps, and conference tickets may all be sold with AppSumo. Applications for operations, content marketing, CRM, SEO, social media, audio/video, media management, graphic design, accounting, cloud hosting, security, web analytics, customer service, and survey may be purchased here by enterprises.

This platform enables 2000+ SaaS businesses to access 1.25M+ worldwide followers. Additionally, it aids in developing and managing targeted marketing campaigns for the global SMB market. On comparable platforms like DealFuel, SaaS Mantra, and Pitchground, you may also list your items.


StartupBase is a forum where product creators and early adopters can discuss and exchange the newest goods and concepts. The community may learn more about startups and their owners using this tool.

Additionally, you can meet other creators, business owners, and investors here. The site also provides startup entrepreneurs with extra helpful resources.

However, StartupBase only accepts submissions from SaaS, mobile apps, cutting-edge software and hardware, Internet of Things, Google Chrome extensions, and AI project manufacturers.


Launched is a forum where you can showcase your products to beta consumers and solicit their opinions for a fruitful product launch. To draw investors, you may also post your companies and resources here.

You may communicate with other community members and widen your network. You may also read the most recent startup industry news. Websites for new businesses may be mentioned here. Check the criteria to determine if your business qualifies for enrollment.

Indie Hackers

You may share your successful side projects and enterprises with the community on Indie Hackers. Additionally, you can impart your wisdom and experience here.

Individual developers may use this website to exchange ideas, locate collaborators, or find buyers for their goods.

Launching Next

Launching Next is the website where you can learn about tech businesses from across the world. You can add your freshly started companies here, along with your startup concepts. Additionally, it enables you to plan, create, start, and modify your small business.

Startups can provide a succinct description of their goods to be mentioned on this page. Following the submission of the description, it contacts you to arrange the free publication of your website on it. Launching Next also conducts one-on-one interviews with company founders to learn about their backgrounds. Additionally, it provides a direct link to your startup website so users can go there to learn more.


SideProjects is an online marketplace where you can sell and purchase side projects. If you work full-time yet want to sell your side business, this should be your go-to site. This platform’s community will also benefit you by offering comments and expanding your side project.

If you want to sell a side project, publish it here so that others might purchase it. This free platform does not charge a commission if a project is sold. You may also propose side projects for evaluation and approval via discussion. is the appropriate place for you if you are a product maker looking to make new friends while learning and growing. It is the place where you can share your product development experience and show the world your products. Furthermore, you are not required to pay for any of these.

Instead than marketing businesses, this website allows individual experts to showcase their accomplishments and innovation. Other users can provide feedback on your work, which can help you improve. You might also draw inspiration from the work of others.


The top goals of startup founders and product developers are brand recognition and product familiarity. Including them in your marketing strategy means you’re on the right track to capturing your users’ attention.

Aside from the platforms mentioned in this article, there are numerous other websites for disseminating product launch news. Whatever site you choose, make sure to use digital marketing tools to increase your audience exposure.

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Picture of Magba Esther
Magba Esther