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This is why You get Low Story View

Make your stories entertaining to watch if you want people to watch them!

If you want your audience to act on your tales in order to forward your company objectives,

You need to make them relevant to both them and your company. This entails guiding them through your funnel by offering straightforward yet relatable questions.

❌This DOES NOT imply requesting

βœ…Do you prefer tea or coffee? (unless you are in the coffee or tea niche)

This DOES entail posing questions to draw in, develop, and win over your audience.

Share additional information about you or your company to engage your audience in Stories:

  1. Share your business’s founding story.
  2. My top piece of advice is β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- for persons in (your specialty).
  3. These are the books I like best.
  4. What I would advise my younger self to do is β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”.
  5. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” has been among my most valuable mentors because of X.
  6. What does my ideal existence look like?

Go deeper and strike up discussions to draw your audience into your stories:

  1. What is my word for this year, and why? What term do you use?
  2. When things get extremely tough, _____ is what spurs me on to keep going. Where do you get your inspiration from?
  3. My primary commercial value is .
  4. What do you value most in business?
  5. Here’s why: My life’s work is to .
  6. X is the title of the book that radically altered my life and viewpoint. Which book has affected you the most?

Share your top business advice in Stories to grow your audience:

  1. The #1 piece of software I use and rely on is _____, and here’s why.
  2. The top error that new business owners should avoid is……
  3. My top three recommendations for drawing lines between work and personal time are…
  4. I enrolled in a course from @, and it was quite helpful for β€”β€”- in my business.
  5. My (business, life) transformed after I used this one straightforward strategy.
  6. I would tell myself β€”β€”β€” if I could go back five years. business linked

To include your audience in your stories, pose the right questions and provide relevant social proof.

  1. factors that make working with (insert dream audience)
  2. Today I’m celebrating (share client success)
  3. Have you ever experienced (a certain pain point)? DM me if you want something that could be useful.
  4. You could be curious as to how (client) got the desired result(s). DM me the word to learn more (insert word).
  5. If you fit any of the above descriptions, DM me. The desired outcomes are X, Y, and Z. (insert word)

How do you feel about the preparation for your Instagram Story?


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