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9 Best Marketing Communities To Join

Marketing communities are your biggest wins and your strongest allies as a marketer. A good marketing community with the right resources and members will help you learn, unlearn, and collaborate with industry experts. It can also help you find new growth opportunities.

Here, you get to engage and learn from industry experts and influencers, ask for advice, study case studies that have worked for various brands, learn various hacks, and build your personal brand while staying on top of industry trends. If you’re also looking for Freelance marketing platforms, you can check out the linked list.

However, not all marketing communities offer value to their esteemed members. Some can be stagnant with outdated ideas or inactive, while some can be filled with adverts or self-promoting posts. 

To ensure you join the best marketing community for your brand needs and don’t make the mistake of joining inactive marketing communities or the ones not fit for your brand, we have compiled a list of the best marketing communities to take your marketing needs to the next best level.

Let’s get started!

The Best 9 Marketing Communities to Join

  1. Growth Virality
  2. Women In Tech SEO
  3. Growth Hackers
  4. Indie Hackers
  5. Demand Curve
  6. SaaS Growth Hacks
  7. Warrior Forum
  8. AdWords Mastery
  9. Traffic Think Tank

The Marketing Collective by Growth Virality

Growth Virality is a vibrant marketing community on Discord where marketers and founders can come together to share their knowledge, experiences and ideas for growth. This is a platform where individuals can connect, learn and grow in the marketing industry.

Over 5,000+ members have joined already with weekly marketing events including AMA’s, workshops, case study breakdowns, & a database of over 200+ marketing resources.

Cost to join: Free

No of Members: 5,000+

Audience: Freelancers, Growth Marketers, Founders, Investors, CEOs, etc

Activity Level: High

Women In Tech SEO

Nowadays, women-focused forums are becoming popular in the world of marketing, with new exciting things to do and share with one another. When Areej AbuAli established Women in Tech SEO (WTS) in 2019, it was a welcomed development as there was a need to close the gap of limited women in tech. This marketing group was created to inspire women working in technical SEO to support one another, regardless of stage in their careers.

The official website provides users with a wealth of materials using avenues such as podcasts,  blog entries, and insightful interviews with female business leaders to inspire younger women or those looking to start a career in marketing. WTS also have a slack channel where they share resources. You can join their slack channel by filling this form.  

Cost to join: Free

No of Members: 3,000+

Audience: Freelancers, growth marketers, CEOs, etc

Activity Level: High

Growth Hackers

Growth Hackers is a growth marketing and tech forum where users may access excellent and engaging material offered by fellow community members. Experienced marketers who give helpful tips and lead excellent discussions about the typical problems faced by growth marketers are available on the platform with tested results to solve your marketing problems. 

The community has over 25k members.

No of Members:25,000+

Cost to join: Free

Audience: Entrepreneurs, Growth hackers, Startup founders, etc.

Activity level: High.

Indie Hackers

Indie Hackers is a community of over 1,800 SaaS marketers of various niches. Its members comprise CEOs, growth marketers, and SaaS founders who constantly share tips and insightful hacks on navigating the SaaS marketing industry. Here, you can get advice on pricing models, copywriting, and funnel analytics.

No of Members: 18,000+

Cost to join: Free

Audience: Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, SaaS founders, CEOs, email marketers, copywriters, email marketers, etc. 

Activity level: Very active.

Demand Curve

The Demand Curve growth marketing community is a private Slack group of over 20,000 experienced growth marketers founded by Julian Shapiro, Justin Setzer, and Neal O’Grady. Members discuss and deliberate on topics ranging from content marketing, SEO, growth marketing, paid ads, and much more.

No of Members: 20,000+

Cost to join: Free

Audience: Freelance marketers, Startup founders, Growth marketers,  entrepreneurs, consultants, and so much more.

Activity level: Not known

SaaS Growth Hacks

Aaron Krall founded SaaS Growth Hacks, a thriving Facebook group of over 22,000 active members focused on SaaS growth hacking techniques that can help founders and entrepreneurs start, run, and scale their businesses. SaaS founders and CEOs can get detailed feedback and advice on current issues in their organizations. As a beginner in the SaaS marketing industry, you also get the opportunity to learn from industry experts. 

No of Members: 22,000+

Cost to join: Free

Audience: SaaS founders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. 

Activity level: High.

Warrior Forum

The Warrior Forum, founded in 2008, is one of the largest and oldest social media marketing communities. It’s an excellent marketing platform for beginners in the social media marketing niche. Daily topics like SEO,  social media marketing hacks, copywriting, content writing for social media, and so much more are discussed with insightful tips on the forum. 

No of Members: 1,000+

Cost to join: Free

Audience: Freelancers, CEOs, Online business owners, Newbie marketers, entrepreneurs, etc. 

Activity level: Low

Adwords Mastery

If you are just starting with Adwords, then the Adwords Mastery Facebook group is for you. It teaches you all you need to know about marketing. The members of this group are always ready to provide insight into any marketing issues for beginners. You can learn all about Adwords, share challenges with community members, and get all the support you need.

No of Members: 22,000+

Cost to join: Free

Audience: Agency owners, affiliate marketers, in-house marketers, and freelancers.

Activity level: Moderate.

Traffic Think Tank 

Founded by Matthew Howells-Barby, Nick Eubanks, and Ian Howells, the Traffic Think Tank is an excellent platform for any SEO professional passionate about continuous growth. The platform is for everyone SEO-inclined; it does not matter what your experience level is. Members are called “TTT-ers” and share tips and insightful SEO hacks while collaborating on projects and hosting offline networking meetups.

No of Members:12,000+

Cost to join:$1190 per annum

Audience:  Founders, SEO marketers, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and agency owners.

Activity level: Not known

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Picture of Magba Esther
Magba Esther