Fraud Blocker

Is your copy boring? Try this!

Here’s how we take an overused message.

We help you rank on the 1st page of Google and make it stand out from the crowd.

Educate with a surprising stat:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

Did you know: the top 3 Google results get 100x as many clicks as ALL of the page 2 results combined?

Challenge the main message:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

We’re not aiming for page 2. We’re not even aiming for page 1. Around here, our motto? Top 3 or bust.

Use metaphors that click:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

Ranking on Google is like the Olympics: the top 50 entrants are far above average, but you only really win if you’re in the top 3.

Add relatable references:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

Newsflash: no one on Google is scrolling to page 394, if you’re not aiming for page 1, your content won’t get seen. We’re here to take off the invisibility cloak and work SEO magic.

Anchor your higher worth:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

“But maha, page-2-worthy content is only ½ the price!” True. But page-1-worthy content gets 200x the eyes. Who’s mathing now?

Challenge false beliefs:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

The Google algorithm isn’t ignoring you. It’s just speaking another language. Good thing we’re fluent in keyword strategy & organic growth.

Ask a question for perspective:

“We help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

Be honest: when was the last time you scrolled to the second page of Google?


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